May 22·edited May 22Liked by Shiv Sengupta

I am a big fan of Philip Shepherd's book 'Radical Wholeness' which goes into great detail about the body/mind split you describe. Philip is a body worker and has designed simple exercises to release ourselves from our cultural "tyranny of the head" and to bring awareness to our repressed sensual wisdom.

He describes our two main centers of consciousness - our rational brain in our head and our intuitive "gut-brain" in our pelvic bowl. The two consciousness centers are linked via the vagus nerve which has been receiving a lot of attention lately regarding trauma therapy and anxiety reduction. Optimally, one would enjoy a happy balance between the logical, rational mind center and the sensual, intuitive gut-mind. The problem is modern society is skewed towards rational thinking (father) and dismissive, even shaming, about our unfettered sensual emotions (mother) lacking logical "evidence."

The advent of Artificial Intelligence and the problem of "hallucinations" - random 'filler material' to make up for lack of information in the data bank. One of the problems of the "tyranny of the head brain" is it is often cut off from realtime sensual data and logically fills in the gaps with illusions in the absence of real experience from our senses.

I would contend that much of the polarization we experience in society today is linked to this estrangement between our father-head and our mother-body. Cut off from our senses, we are free to imagine and hallucinate all sorts of seemingly 'logical' scenarios which are just as hallucinogenic as the artificial intelligence we created. Sadly, our explosion of technology widens the schism between brain and body leaving us drowning in information while parched for knowledge and deep wisdom. Because it is easier to 'imagine' than to openly 'experience' life, our rational minds will naturally chase any new shiny object to avoid messy introspection and open vulnerability. As the cartoon character Pogo said: "I have seen the enemy and he is us."


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May 22Liked by Shiv Sengupta

I guess that explains a fantasy I have where I live in a big house. Parts of it are falling down and unkempt, while other parts are ultra-modern and luxurious. I waft between the two in a kind of harmony, where the wilds of nature and the manicured exist together.

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I fucking love this. ❤️

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