Jun 28Liked by Shiv Sengupta

“Some people will choose precooked formulas on how to live their lives simply because these prefabricated lifestyles are easy and do not need much creative energy to sustain.” That’s THE most beautiful and subtle swipe at religion I’ve ever seen 😂

Thanks for this reminder, life doesn’t give a f**k whether I’m living it or not, but I will continue to visit the grocery store, until it closes its doors on me, forever

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Jun 28Liked by Shiv Sengupta

Dualism is like sex with a sex doll; non-dualism is also like sex with a sex doll. No sex dolls were harmed in forming this opinion.

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Jun 28Liked by Shiv Sengupta

Wowzers! 😁

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"Enlightenment experiences are not necessarily alignment experiences."

I participated in depth psychotherapy for several years which resulted in maybe not "enlightenment" but a huge shift from the cultural norms of the time. The somatic therapy I was fortunate to participate in wisely focused on 'grounding' or creating a strong connection to one's body and the physical realm so powerful energy surges could be channeled safely.

"Wherever you go, there you are..." was sage advice from Jon Kabat-Zinn. If one is to wander, then one has to have a home for reference anywhere you go. "Enlightenment" is just a journey and it needs a reference point to be of value. A lot of depth therapy has fallen out of vogue because it created self-actualized individuals eager to confront the norms rather than compliance to social programming.

What to do after "enlightenment"... get out of your head and back into your body and heart, become grounded in your simple humanity again. Your brief incarnation is a terrible thing to waste...

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Jun 28Liked by Shiv Sengupta

dear shiv,

thank you for sharing, as always!

if the person who asked the question is reading these comments, may i recommend jack kornfield's wonderful book "after the ecstasy, the laundry," which addresses the topic of their question extensively, sharing thoughts from loads of people who have had the kinds of experience the question asker is question-asking about.

also, i recommend that book to everyone. it's great!

thanks again for sharing!

much love,


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Jun 28Liked by Shiv Sengupta

Boom, bass has arrived. Ok. So then, I would like some more money please, I just saw a Cake calling my name but I am out of change. "Brick wall, anyone there". Lol

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Just don’t expect to have that cake and eat it too ;)

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